This is usually done by changing the default display with some tool (DisplaySwitch.exe, UltraMon,…) Here we simply use XBMC’s advanced settings and a simple batch file which will allow to select the startup options (in this case the screen), copy the corresponding advancedsettings.xml to the \userdata\ folder and start XBMC on the correct screen with custom properties.
For this we use XBMC in portable mode (with command line option –p), but it could also work without. Make this folder structure in your XBMC directory:
portable_data\config\adv_settings |
In adv_settings folder we put 2 files from which we will chose during startup:
<advancedsettings> <videoscreen> <screenmode>WINDOW</screenmode> </videoscreen> <window> <height>720</height> <width>1280</width> </window> <input> <enablemouse>false</enablemouse> </input> </advancedsettings> |
<advancedsettings> <videoscreen> <screenmode>10128000720050.00000</screenmode> </videoscreen> </advancedsettings> |
These values are taken from guisettings.xml in the \userdata\ folder. So it’s best you set up XBMC and take the settings you need from guisettings.xml and put them into advancedsettings.xml. Apparently, in my case
Finally this simple batch file will let you choose between the two:
@set batch_path=%~dp0 :: Choose Monitor------------------------------------- @choice /C 12 /M "Start on TV[1], Monitor[2]?" /N /T 3 /D 1 @goto ANSWER%ERRORLEVEL% ::---------------------------------------------------- :ANSWER0 :ANSWER255 @GOTO ERROR :ANSWER1 @copy "%batch_path%adv_settings\advancedsettings_tv.xml" "%batch_path%..\userdata\advancedsettings.xml" /Y @IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR @GOTO exit :ANSWER2 @copy "%batch_path%adv_settings\advancedsettings_monitor.xml" "%batch_path%..\userdata\advancedsettings.xml" /Y @IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR @GOTO exit :ERROR @echo "Wrong batch execution... check batch" @pause @GOTO QUIT :EXIT @start /D "%batch_path%..\..\" XBMC.exe -p :QUIT |
Now all you need to do is run the batch file, type 1 or 2 and XBMC will start on the correct screen. It is also obvious that these advanced settings allow much more customization than is shown here.
An other interesting way would be to use the API called SetwindowsPos… and even more interesting would be to expose the XMBC API to the command line prompt as suggested here.