I recently had to implement a logging system for our database. Googling resulted in a few interesting ways to do this. The best I have found so far is from Lorenzo Alberton. I recommend you glance through that, and also an extension/improvement of it by James Gardner.
Now, Lorenzo’s implementation has a few problems. Most notably: not all of us want to install Tcl. So, I have “rewritten” it in plpgsql. This is possible since in the meantime the EXECUTE command was extended with the USING clause.
Some extra features are added also:
- Support for multi-field PK’s.
- Logging of PK’s.
- Changes are detected by default type operators instead of textbased operators.
Note: I am using a slightly different naming convention, so you should adjust the names before using it with extra functions from James.
Note2: This is still a (working) tryout. Comments on improvement are welcome.
Update: fnc_audit(…) is used by trg_audit()
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION private.tfc_audit() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $BODY$ /*! Dynamic query exectution through plpgsql EXECUTE command makes this function possible. Some complications which can araise using this command are described here: - http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2008-05/msg00314.php */ DECLARE _PK_NAMES CONSTANT VARCHAR[] := ARRAY(SELECT a.attname AS pk_name FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_index i WHERE c.oid = i.indrelid AND a.attrelid = i.indexrelid AND a.attisdropped = FALSE /* such column names are like "........pg.dropped.1........" and are invalid */ AND a.attnum > 0 /* i.e is not a system column like OID: they have (arbitrary) negative numbers */ AND i.indisprimary = TRUE /* is pk */ AND c.oid = TG_RELID /* regclass takes current schema into consideration! */); _FIELD_NAMES CONSTANT VARCHAR[] := ARRAY(SELECT a.attname AS pk_name FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a WHERE c.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attisdropped = FALSE /* such column names are like "........pg.dropped.1........" and are invalid */ AND a.attnum > 0 /* i.e is not a system column like OID: they have (arbitrary) negative numbers */ AND c.oid = TG_RELID ); /* regclass takes current schema into consideration! */ _PK_VALUES VARCHAR[]; BEGIN -- this function works only when marked as AFTER trigger! PERFORM assert(TG_WHEN = 'AFTER', 'Wrong execution of fnc_audit(): should only be executed AFTER an event!'); -- this function works only when marked as FOR EACH ROW trigger! PERFORM assert(TG_LEVEL = 'ROW', 'Wrong execution of fnc_audit(): should only be executed FOR EACH ROW!'); -- table sanity check PERFORM assert(TG_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL, 'TG_TABLE_NAME IS NULL'); PERFORM assert(_PK_NAMES IS NOT NULL AND array_length(_PK_NAMES, 1) IS NOT NULL, 'Table ' || TG_TABLE_NAME || ' can not be logged: it has no PK!'); -- FOR-loop will otherwise throw "upper bound of FOR loop cannot be null" -- skip changes on audit_table: otherwise endless loop IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'tbl_audits' THEN RETURN NULL; -- result is ignored since this is an AFTER trigger END IF; -- find PK value FOR i IN 1 .. array_length(_PK_NAMES, 1) LOOP DECLARE tmp text; tmp_record record; BEGIN CASE TG_OP WHEN 'UPDATE', 'INSERT' THEN tmp_record = NEW; WHEN 'DELETE' THEN tmp_record = OLD; END CASE; EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || quote_ident(_PK_NAMES[i]) INTO STRICT tmp USING tmp_record; _PK_VALUES[i] := tmp; END; END LOOP; -- PK values sanity check PERFORM assert(_PK_VALUES IS NOT NULL AND array_length(_PK_VALUES, 1) IS NOT NULL, '_PK_VALUES IS NULL'); -- FOR-loop will otherwise throw "upper bound of FOR loop cannot be null" PERFORM assert(array_length(_PK_VALUES, 1) = array_length(_PK_NAMES, 1), '_PK_VALUES count not equal to _PK_NAMES count in table ' || TG_TABLE_NAME); -- find fields to be logged FOR i IN 1 .. array_length(_FIELD_NAMES, 1) LOOP -- field_name sanity check PERFORM assert(_FIELD_NAMES[i] IS NOT NULL, '_FIELD_NAMES[' || i || '] IS NULL'); DECLARE _field_name CONSTANT VARCHAR := quote_ident(_FIELD_NAMES[i]); _distinct BOOLEAN; _old text; _new text; BEGIN CASE TG_OP --fall through is unfortunately not supported WHEN 'UPDATE' THEN -- compare the two fields according to the type-default functions. -- note that <> returns false on NULL input and IS DISTINCT FROM does not, but only if both inputs are NULL! EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || _field_name || ' IS DISTINCT FROM $2.' || _field_name || ';' INTO STRICT _distinct USING OLD, NEW; CONTINUE WHEN NOT _distinct; EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || _field_name || ';' INTO STRICT _new USING NEW; EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || _field_name || ';' INTO STRICT _old USING OLD; WHEN 'INSERT' THEN EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || _field_name || ';' INTO STRICT _new USING NEW; WHEN 'DELETE' THEN EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || _field_name || ';' INTO STRICT _old USING OLD; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unhandled TG_OP in fnc_audit(): %', TG_OP; END CASE; CONTINUE WHEN _new IS NULL AND _old IS NULL; PERFORM private.fnc_audit(statement_timestamp()::TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME zone, SESSION_USER::VARCHAR, TG_TABLE_NAME::VARCHAR, _field_name, _PK_NAMES, _PK_VALUES, TG_OP::private.table_audit_mod_type, _old, _new); END; END LOOP; RETURN NULL; -- result is ignored since this is an AFTER trigger END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; |
A specific function for inserting into tbl_audits is used:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION private.fnc_audit(_audi_timestamp TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME zone, _audi_user name, _audi_table name, _audi_field name, _audi_pk_name CHARACTER VARYING[], _audi_pk_value CHARACTER VARYING[], _audi_mod_type private.table_audit_mod_type, _audi_value_old text, _audi_value_new text) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ DECLARE BEGIN INSERT INTO private.tbl_audits(audi_timestamp, audi_user, audi_table, audi_field, audi_pk_name, audi_pk_value, audi_mod_type, audi_value_old, audi_value_new) VALUES (_audi_timestamp, _audi_user, _audi_table, _audi_field, _audi_pk_name, _audi_pk_value, _audi_mod_type, _audi_value_old, _audi_value_new); END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; |
TG_OP is stored as an ENUM (= more efficient) so we need a new type:
CREATE TYPE private.table_audit_mod_type AS ENUM ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE'); |
Here is a very important helper function:
And finaly the audit table:
CREATE TABLE private.tbl_audits ( audi_timestamp TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME zone NOT NULL, audi_user CHARACTER VARYING(30) NOT NULL, audi_table CHARACTER VARYING(45) NOT NULL, audi_field CHARACTER VARYING(30) NOT NULL, audi_pk_name CHARACTER VARYING(30)[] NOT NULL, audi_pk_value CHARACTER VARYING(60)[] NOT NULL, audi_mod_type private.table_audit_mod_type NOT NULL, audi_value_old text, audi_value_new text, CONSTRAINT tbl_audits_check_pk CHECK (array_length(audi_pk_name, 1) = array_length(audi_pk_value, 1)) ); |
A more storage-efficient way to store logged data would be to make an audi_changeset column which consists of an array of changed fieldnames, old values and new values for each PK during a statement execution. It would be equivalent to the following view:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW vew_audit_changesets AS SELECT tbl_audits.audi_timestamp, tbl_audits.audi_user, tbl_audits.audi_table, tbl_audits.audi_pk_name, tbl_audits.audi_pk_value, tbl_audits.audi_mod_type, ARRAY[array_agg(tbl_audits.audi_field), array_agg(tbl_audits.audi_value_old)::CHARACTER VARYING[], array_agg(tbl_audits.audi_value_new)::CHARACTER VARYING[]] AS audi_changeset FROM tbl_audits GROUP BY tbl_audits.audi_timestamp, tbl_audits.audi_user, tbl_audits.audi_table, tbl_audits.audi_pk_name, tbl_audits.audi_pk_value, tbl_audits.audi_mod_type; |
fnc_audit() is easily adjustable to store logs to such a table. But I wonder whether this is worth the fuss? Most of the queries run on vew_audit_changesets would first require the “unnesting of array audi_changeset to sets” (i.e. a structure which resembles tbl_audits). Why? Because SQL is set-oriented, not array-oriented. In other words, it seems easy to convert from tbl_audits structure to vew_audit_changesets structure, but how does one go from vew_audit_changesets structure to tbl_audits structure, and is this conversion efficient? Is it worth to save logs in a vew_audit_changesets-like table?